Lonetree Ranch

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I have looked forward to 'Branding Day' every year for as long as I can remember, and on this Memorial Day I felt extremely blessed and thankful that I can do the things that I love along with family and friends in the freedom of America.

Branding is about a tradition that has been a part of the American West for many decades and the pride that goes along with that and the ranching way of life is not something to be taken lightly. God has given us the responsibility to take care of the land and the livestock that He has entrusted to us and to do it to the best of our ability.

Branding our cattle is a part of that.

Sometimes we do it in the mud and sometimes we do it in the midst of a drought. But every time we do it trusting that God will provide and that He will see us through to the next year and the next day that it is Time to Brand The Calves.