
Good Friday always brings me many thoughts of deep reflection. Our Savior, who gave it all so that we could have eternal life. Salvation, a gift that is waiting for anyone who will believe and receive. The promise of hope and new life, because death could not hold Him. Our debt that could not be payed, washed clean by the perfect sacrifice of the Son of God. There is so much significants and meaning behind the cross, and so much to be thankful for.

Tonight we took flowers to the grave of our son and my heart ached at the weight of grief that will always be with me. So much to wonder, question and miss. But as I meditated on the promise that ONE DAY all will be made right, I am thankful. Thankful for the sacrificial love of Jesus and the hope we have in Him. Because the cross is significant, but so is the empty tomb! Jesus is alive, and He offers that same gift to all. LIFE. Don’t waste a minute without Him. There is so much peace to be found resting in His arms of love.

Thank you, Jesus. For your death, your resurrection and for the gift of eternal life with You.