... Somewhere in the Middle?

The middle is a lot more comfortable place to be.
Kinda like straddling a fence when you want to be on both sides.
Or know that you should be on the right, but want so badly to be on the left.

So we hang out in the middle.

Wearing the name of Christian when it’s convenient yet not letting that title change our life or reflect the One Whose name we claim.

Recklessly abandoned to Jesus when at Church or the big worship convention. Yet caring less what He desires from you in this life, the day to day, and not thinking of possibly “offending” someone with how you act or what you say with the chance that it may indeed point them to the One Who can save their life.

Fearless in posting a Bible verse with a selfie or in our bio, yet never reading our Bible to see how the Holy Spirit works in people’s lives and desires to work in each one of us. Personally.

Deep water faith, yet never getting beyond the shore.
Shallow. And being ok with it.

Praying for healing… yet …God is not a genie in a bottle with His wish being our command. What about seeking His will and trusting Him when he says yes… and when He says no?

Preaching a prosperity gospel yet never telling someone about Hell and Heaven and that “we must be born again” if we are to be saved. (Those aren’t my words. Those are Jesus’!)

Relying solely on Grace so we can do what we please….when we ignore His mercy and what He went through because He loved us in the first place.
His life. His hands.- My Cross. My nails.

Christian in name, yet not a follower of Christ.

Everywhere we look we see people who want the title, but not the commitment.
The glory, without bearing daily, the cross.
The end result without the joys and the lessons in the journey.
Desiring only the “likes” when Jesus taught “if they hate you… Remember that they hated Me first.”

Called to be warriors for the Kingdom,
yet forgetting that “as a soldier of Jesus Christ you must endure hardships” in this old world.
Wanting to sit when Christ calls us to stand. And even then when we have done all we can…. To stand again!

Yes. Everywhere we look.
Maybe even here.
In us.
Maybe that’s me.
Maybe it’s you.

Yeah. The middle is a lot easier place to be. The commitment and the conviction is a lot to deal with. So let’s “just get by and hang out on the fence”.

What if we would answer the call to be different. To dive into the deep. To desire to be used and to let Jesus change our life.
To be a follower of Christ! Not just a ‘Christian’.
To realize that when we accept Jesus we are to be changed! Not live in the old. Not go with the flow.
To let it literally Change. Our. Lives.
To know that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in YOU.

How close can we get to surrender without surrendering all to the Glory of the Savior?
Well…God calls us to full Surrender.
Not somewhere in the middle.

If you’re a Christian…Can the world tell that you are a Follower of Christ?