

The kitchen is a pretty busy place tonight as well as the shop and the back room and ... well you get the picture. All sorts of activity going on as the final preparation takes place for the Reinhold's Christmas Eve celebration. The overflow and what some may even call clutter pleases me as husband and dad. This is our dining room table. Homemade bread with our lutefisk and all other sort of good food. I love the fact that the bread Robin baked is near her open Bible. However, I am not surprised to see this setting. God's Word is a daily part of her agenda.


Thank you Robin, Rachel, Danny, Caleb, Julia and Kiersten for making this a fine evening... And thank you Jesus... You have blessed us so much.

And yes... Molly and Jacob... you have a special place in our hearts as well.... and Little Emanuel... Spending Christmas in Heaven. "God with Us".